
di Lo Bartolo Giovanni & C.

Via Cagliero 3/C - 10041
Carignano - Torino - ITALY

Tel: +39 (0)11 0703011
Fax: +39 (0)11 0702815

Info :

P.IVA 06728230019

Company Services Profiles Contacts

STEGIA   Automotive Engineering GmbH

    German Base:      Vogelhainweg 6
D-71065 - Sindelfingen - Germany

Tel:+49 (0)7031 / 878067
Fax:+49 (0)7031 / 876945

Info :


New automobile bodies as well as power train or chassis systems cannot simply be combined with one another. Several adaptations are necessary due to differences in size, weight, and vibration behavior, to name just a few factors.


This section of the company deals with motor and chassis integration for projects concerned with vehicle modules. This includes the integration of fuel systems and chassis- and power train-specific components, as well as corresponding modifications to space available and functionality.


This section works closely with our clients' own power train and chassis experts. The issues addressed cover the entire development process, and include concept production.


















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